The Don
  • Make: Peter Lynn
  • Model: Hornet
  • Size: 2m
  • Obtained: Some rando online

My first power kite, zippy and powerful to fly with a harness and crossover bar. Conrad named it “The Don” after Don Shula because of its Miami Dolphins colors.

Peter Lynn Hornet 4m
  • Make: Peter Lynn
  • Model: Hornet
  • Size: 4m
  • Obtained: Conrad

Much more powerful than the 2m but still manageable.

  • Make: Peter Lynn
  • Model: Hornet
  • Size: 5m
  • Obtained: Conrad

Betty is a favorite of Conrad’s that he sold me when he switched to Frenzys. Betty is where things get serious: super powerful and with enough sail to weight ratio to stay in the air in the weakest wind. Amazing power kite.

Broomstick Special
  • Make: Eliot
  • Model: Magma (modified)
  • Size: 2m
  • Obtained:

I got this kite (which is a FB kite modified into a depower kite) in my early obsession with kite-surfing because I wanted a depower kite to practice with. I’ve since warned people off getting small depower kites because they perform poorly compared to fixed bridle kites in these small sizes. This kite is super difficult to fly. I had to fly it on an improvised broomstick depower bar because I didn’t have anything else to use, so we call it the Broomstick Special.